Work is required to fulfill our God-Given Potential!
The last week of February 2020 was one of the hardest weeks of my life. I had been working on something for me and my family and in a few hours everything went wrong. Not only that, I was recovering from an illness as well. Its hard to watch something you worked so hard for and had great expectations in accomplishing go down the drain in the matter of a few hours. Its hard to stay calm and pray when you feel like your world is crumbling around you. Its hard to think that a decision you've made will cause your family to suffer...
And then it hit me... a Peace that I can't explain... a feeling like everything is going to be alright... an inner knowing that I had to go through this pain to get on the other side of it and see that the Creator (God) is going to use it for a greater Purpose... to help me fulfill the potential He's given me.
There are times in our lives when we have to stir up ourselves and our gifts and talents to help us get to the other side of the pain we're going through. This requires Drive, Focus, Energy, Passion, Purpose & Hard-Work...
I'm not saying its going to be easy...it can and will be difficult, however we have to Know that the Creator is with us and everything happens for a reason... a purpose.
During one of our mentoring sessions with our little guys in February, I shared this story with one of the third graders after our normal session who was having a rough day too. I asked him, should I quit? I told him that sometimes it feels as if we're not making a difference... he looked at me with a puzzled look and said no Mr. B, I can't explain to you why but no you shouldn't quit!
And I'm saying that to YOU! I can't explain to you why but NO, You Shouldn't Quit!
I’ll summarize with a quote provided by the African American Scholar, Booker T. Washington...
“Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work.”
And that’s what we have to do… push past the pain, push past the hurt, know that God is with you, keep your head up and work! Your potential is depending on you, your family is depending on you, your community is depending on you… you must not quit….BEASTMODE!
God Bless!
-B. Holley